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Is Your Pelvic Floor Holding Onto Tension? Here's How to Fix it!

Did you know that some of your everyday habits might be keeping your pelvic floor muscles in a state of tension without you even realizing it? If you’ve been dealing with discomfort, tightness, or even unexplained symptoms, your body might be trying to tell you something. Pelvic floor dysfunction is more common than you think, but the good news is—there are ways to address it, even from home!

Signs Your Pelvic Floor Might Be Tense

                 Your pelvic floor muscles are supposed to be like a trampoline—supportive, flexible, and able to move with you. But if they’re constantly “on,” they can become overactive, leading to pelvic floor dysfunction. Here are some sneaky ways you might be holding tension:

✅ Clenching your jaw (your jaw and pelvic floor are connected!)
✅ Holding your breath, especially when focusing or lifting something heavy
✅ Gripping your toes into the floor
✅ Crossing or squeezing your legs tightly
✅ Shallow breathing, which limits proper diaphragm movement
✅ Wearing tight clothes that put pressure on your core and pelvic floor
✅ Sucking in your stomach as a habit
✅ Clenching your glutes throughout the day

                 When these patterns become second nature, your pelvic floor muscles never get a break. Instead of being strong and flexible, they become tight and overactive, leading to pain and dysfunction.

⚠️ Symptoms of a Tense Pelvic Floor

                 If you’re experiencing any of these, your body may be hinting that it’s time to check in with your pelvic floor physical therapy habits:

🚨 Pelvic pain and discomfort
🚨 Painful intimacy or difficulty with penetration
🚨 Constipation or straining to go
🚨 Urinary urgency and frequency, feeling like you can’t hold it
🚨 Difficulty fully emptying your bladder
🚨 Low arousal or trouble reaching orgasm
🚨 Feelings of heaviness or pressure, which may indicate prolapse
🚨 Glute and hip pain, often connected to pelvic floor issues
🚨 Low back pain, a sneaky sign of pelvic floor dysfunction
🚨 A stubborn “mommy pooch,” sometimes linked to chronic tension

                 If you’re nodding along thinking, “Oh wow… I do all of these,” don’t panic! The good news is that tension can be released, and you can retrain your body for better movement and relaxation with pelvic floor therapy and at-home strategies.

How to Reduce Pelvic Floor Tension with At-Home Physical Therapy

                 While seeing a pelvic floor physical therapist is ideal, there are plenty of pelvic floor exercises and at-home techniques you can start using today to help relax and rebalance your muscles.

  • Breathe deep and low – Try diaphragmatic breathing by inhaling through your nose, letting your belly expand, and exhaling slowly. This helps your pelvic floor muscles naturally relax.
  • Relax your jaw – A clenched jaw often means a clenched pelvic floor. Try massaging your jaw, doing gentle neck stretches, and letting your tongue rest on the roof of your mouth.
  • Unclench your glutes – Pay attention to whether you’re constantly squeezing your butt throughout the day. If you are, take a moment to relax.
  • Stop sucking in your stomach – Constantly sucking in forces your pelvic floor to overwork. Instead, try engaging your deep core muscles in a way that allows for both support and relaxation.
  • Try gentle pelvic floor exercises – Not all pelvic floor exercises involve Kegels. If your muscles are too tight, Kegels can actually make things worse. Instead, focus on pelvic floor therapy movements like deep squats, happy baby pose, and child’s pose.
  • Ditch tight clothing when you can – High-waisted leggings and shapewear may look great, but if they’re constantly squeezing your belly, they can contribute to pelvic floor tension.
  • Stretch and move – Gentle yoga, mobility work, and walking can all help keep your pelvic floor muscles flexible.
  • Prioritize relaxation – Whether it’s meditation, warm baths, or simply lying down with your legs supported, finding ways to actively relax your pelvic floor can make a huge difference.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

                 If you’re tired of dealing with pelvic floor dysfunction, I’m here to help!

                 Schedule a FREE consultation with me to discuss your symptoms and get expert guidance on your pelvic floor health. I’ll help you figure out what’s going on and what steps you can take to feel better!

                 Join the Pelvic Wellness Academy and start your journey to a stronger, pain-free life with effective pelvic floor therapy, fitness, and lifestyle strategies!

                 Inside this FREE group, you’ll get:

👉 Trainings on pelvic floor physical therapy and wellness, with actionable steps to implement right away
👉 Step-by-step roadmaps for pelvic floor therapy, core stability, and lifestyle changes
👉 A supportive community of like-minded women sharing the journey
👉 Simple pelvic floor exercises and lifestyle tips to enhance your health

You’ll also get access to:

▪️ 7-Day Healthy Habit Challenge
▪️ 14-Day Core & Pelvic Floor Exercise Challenge
▪️ Zoom Replays – Trainings, “Exercise with Me” sessions, and Q&As
▪️ 60-Minute Masterclass – Everything You Need to Heal Your Core & Pelvic Floor

Click here to schedule your free consultation or click here join the Pelvic Wellness Academy today! Your pelvic floor (and your whole body) will thank you.

Here’s to a Healthy and Strong 2025!

                 As we step into 2025, it’s the perfect time to prioritize your pelvic floor health by adopting mindful habits that promote relaxation and strength. Small daily changes such as deep breathing, improving posture, and incorporating pelvic floor therapy into your routine can make a big difference in how you feel. Let this be the year you listen to your body, release unnecessary tension, and build a foundation of wellness from the inside out.

                 Wishing you a Happy New Year filled with strength, confidence, and good health! Let’s make 2025 the year of empowered pelvic wellness together. 

xo Dr. Courtney

Additional Links:  

10 Things I’ve Learned About Symptoms and Pain in the Body


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Dr. Courtney

I'm Dr. Courtney

An orthopedic and pelvic health physical therapy specialist, a prenatal & postpartum exercise coach, and a fitness fanatic who is passionate about helping women feel strong and empowered.